The handy, reasonably priced transfer system


The SAMARIT Transglide supplements the Rollboard products lines in places where there are no height-adjustable beds or couches. It is a handy transfer aid and helps healthcare professionals with the horizontal transfer of patients from one bed to another in care homes, hospitals and for care at home.

One or two carers perform the transfer with a pulling movement using a pull sheet. The sliding surface makes it easy to move patients from one bed to another saving effort. The board is characterized by a favorable price / performance ratio. It needs little space and can easily be hung on the wall.

It is very light and is made of strong, unbreakable material (HDPE), ecologically and toxicologically. It is radiotransparent, easy to clean and acid-resistant. The board is fitted with non-slip strips on the back which prevent it sliding off the bed.

It can also be used for cardiac resuscitation.

TRANSGLIDE Instruction for use

Transglide lateral transfer, Transglide in use
Turn the patient to the side using the «pull sheet», push the Transglide under the sheet and return the patient back on to the Transglide. Hold the «pulling sheet» with both hands and keep the back straight and upright.
Transglide lateral transfer, Transglide in use
Using the sheet, slide the patient over the Transglide, maintaining an even motion and keeping the back straight. A second person will assist by pushing gently.
Transglide lateral transfer, Transglide in use
Once the patient has been placed in
the correct position on the bed / couch / X ray table etc, turn him or her to the side slightly. The second assistant pulls the Transglide from the bottom end, easing it slightly, thus removing it from under the patient.



EC-declaration MDR Transglide

Instruction for use

Instruction for use Transglide

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