Inventor and world leader of patient transfer systems.
Inventor and world leader of patient transfer systems.
The safe way
to transfer patients
Samarit Rollbord
Over 20 different SAMARIT ROLLBORD / ROLLBOARD models to suit every hospital application.
Nursing Aids – Rehabilitation
SAMARIT products are designed to facilitate the transfer without using a lot of effort, this making the work easier for the carers and kinder to their backs.
Safe positioning aids for on the operating table
Shoulder Surgery (Humerus, Clavikula), Shoulder Arthroscopy,
Struma, Maxillofacial procedures, Facial Surgery, Neurosurgery
Against «SAD and winter blues»
Principle: direct one-minute look at the lighting area.
"Medical Trolleys" – Trolleys for care management
Imediately available for first aid - Medical Trolleys
Trolleys for care management, care furniture Agily® trolleys, emergency trolleys with joint drawers and distribution trolleys with pill dispensers and nominative trays.